A board portal, or a governance software solution, creates a secure digital environment for administrators and directors to collaborate on confidential documents, meetings, and information. The best portals allow members to easily prepare for board meetings and participate in the work that takes place between meetings. Modern portals facilitate meeting preparation and collaboration between committee members, board members, key stakeholders, and external partners.

Boards have limited time, so it’s critical that a software for managing boards solution is designed to be easy and simple for members to use. Ask the software vendor if it is easy to use and if there are any videos or other resources to assist members with their use. You should also learn how easy it will be for directors to set up their first meeting and how the platform integrates with their calendars.

Modern board portals are built to be as efficient as the boards themselves, boosting member engagement and productivity through features such as task management, which make it easier for members to keep track of responsibilities between meetings. Additionally modern portals offer the use of e-signature and voting to facilitate quick, secure document approval and a simple way to create and edit agenda items, documents, and minutes of meetings.

The latest generation of board portals allows administrators and directors to work in the cloud. This allows for a CFO in Chicago to update a Board Book in tandem with an IT manager from Washington DC. This increases the efficiency of a board meeting and makes sure that all members have access to the most current information.


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